Escape Game: Attack on a Former Detective Walkthrough 3

Escape Game by IDAC CO. LTD

Escape Game: Attack on a former Detective Walkthrough Part III

Examine the memo on the laptop.
1 => 1 represents 1 one,
0 => 3 represents 3 zeros,
1 => 7 represents 7 ones,
0 => 2 represents 2 zero,
1 => 1 represents 1 one.
The circles represents how you should split the numbers you get)

attack on a former detective walkthrough

Together they make 10001111111001.
Split them into 4,3,3,4.
This will give you 1000, 111, 111,1001.

Turn on the lights.
Examine the binary codes on the lamp.

attack on a former detective walkthroughattack on a former detective walkthrough

Use the binary codes to decode what you get from the memo on the laptop.
It should give you  8,7,7,9

Examine the memo in the pocket of the coat.
Using the numbers you decoded map it to the letters in the memo.

attack on a former detective walkthrough

You should get the word BEER.
Enter BEER as the password for the laptop.

attack on a former detective walkthrough

Plug in the USB stick into the laptop.

attack on a former detective walkthrough

Open the two folders. One shows you a modified scenery of the window view and the other tells you the hint.
(hint: Spot the difference between the modified scenery from the photo and actual scenery from the window. Subtract the number of colored lighting in the photo from the number of colored lighting in the actual scenery.)

attack on a former detective walkthrough

Open the hatch lock near the window and enter the code.Open the safe and get the red ice.

attack on a former detective walkthrough

Open the green box near bar counter with the remaining key.

The poster shows you the order to put in the ice.

attack on a former detective walkthrough

Place the ice in the same order as shown in the poster.
(Warning wrong placement of ice blocks cannot be corrected.)

attack on a former detective walkthrough

Tap on the switch to turn it on.

attack on a former detective walkthrough

The table beside the window will show you a keyword.

Go to the safe beside the main door and enter the keyword. (ROCK).
The drawer will open up, get the red key.

attack on a former detective walkthroughattack on a former detective walkthrough

Use the red key to open the main door and escape.

The drawer will open up, get the red key.

Click here to view part 1 of the walkthrough.
Click here to view part 2 of the walkthrough.

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